Page 213 - 韩金英《道德艺术》——在线画册
P. 213
道德艺术 Taoism art
9-26 三家合一 Sanjia Heyi
March 8, 2019,140CM×110CM,布面油画 Oil on canvas
The white in the center of "Three in One" is Original Essence. The West refers to
Hexagram Dui, whose color is white. One aim of the journey to the west is to fetch the
Original Essence. The red-light ball represents the light of Original Spirit. The Great Saint
Growing up from the Original Spirit can be verified by the image of the sun. The yellow gown
represents the Original Breath. The one integrated by the Original Essence, the Original
Spirit and the Original Breath, is the original beginning of life, representing Xuan Guan of
Great Tao and eternity.