Page 87 - Laozi81
P. 87
布面油画,120×90cm,2016 年 7 月 26 日
Thirty-seventh, "Remove the mountain"
oil on canvas, 120 × 90cm, July 26, 2016
The magicians with super power worshiped in a small country Tiaozhi failed to
remove the mountains that blocked the road. Laozi would like to enlighten the
king of the country. He swan his nine-section wand, and broke up the mountain
obstructing on the road into clods. The super power of the magicians was not
Tao, but only shows of illusion. Tao is the power of the original nature after
it is achieved. This picture tells that the achieved people may adjust the
balance of yin and yang of the nature, and benefit the world by Fa Shen doing
merits automatically depending on the information received. It is invisible but
incredibly powerful.