Page 25 - Laozi81
P. 25
布面油画,120×90cm,2016 年 7 月 3 日
在讲道。别人拜他时,在他头顶上方是太上老君的圣像。老君常在太清宫,老子 81 化博物馆
刚在选址,就有人看到了太清宫和门上的老君。我因此而立刻买下,做了 81 化博物馆。
Sixth, "Ascend to the platform"
oil on canvas, 120 × 90cm, July 3, 2016
This picture tells that after the achievement of golden elixir and true body, Fa
Xiang will appear in Fa Jie. On the lower left corner is a group of fairies. A
person with the light of original nature may look like an ordinary person who is
lecturing, but the Fa Xiang in Fa Jie was actually Laozi preaching with golden
light. There was a figure of Laojun above his/her head when being worshiped.
Laojun often stays in Tai Qing Hall. Tai Qing Hall and Laojun was once seen at the
site of The Museum of Laozi 81 Transformation, so I immediately bought the site
and set up the museum.