Page 113 - Laozi81
P. 113
布面油画,120×90cm,2016 年 8 月 10 日
Fiftieth, "Impart the true scripture"
oil on canvas, 120 × 90cm, August 10, 2016
This picture is about the story of Song Lun, a man living at Luoyang during the
reign of King Li of Zhou dynasty. Song Lun adhered to the Oneness and refused
all social activities. He chanted Tao Te Ching several times a day without
interruption for twenty years and finally Laozi appeared at his house with six
fairy children. This implies that Tao follows its own nature, and Tao is the
original nature. Long-term physical and mental cleanliness is a practice on the
original nature of Tao and is also a practice of inaction. Wisdom grows in the
nature of spirit just like fruits grow naturally on the apple trees after the seed
was planted.