Page 19 - Laozi81
P. 19

                                                                                             布面油画,120×90cm,2016 年 7 月 1 日



                                                                                                  Third, "Show the true body"

                                                                                        oil on canvas, 120 × 90cm, July 1, 2016

                                             The primal Qi splits into two parts, the clear Qi rises to be the heaven and

                                          the opaque Qi drops to become the earth. The sun and the moon are also created
                                         by the two kinds of Qi, which are flowing endlessly in the world and generating

                                        everything. If a person whose Xuan Guan is open achieves golden elixir, which is
                                      originated from the same Qi as the heaven and earth, his/her image can be revealed
                                            in the primal world and the true body can be seen by the primal eyes that are

                                         divine. The light of original nature is displayed as an image of a large, round
                                          moon that, like a mirror, shows the energy of the divine realm. The true body,

                                        also known as the body beyond the body, can be either your own appearance or the
                                                                        appearance of other deities that are shown in Fa Jie.

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