Page 73 - Laozi81
P. 73

                                                                                            布面油画,120×90cm,2016 年 7 月 19 日



                                                                                               Thirtieth, "The Golden light"

                                                                                       oil on canvas, 120 × 90cm, July 19, 2016

                                           The golden light is Buddha’s light from the heart. As the heart and brain are
                                        reconnected, when the light of heart rises to the brain, there emerges the light

                                          of brain. The light may come from the top, the back, the neck, etc, and can be
                                      observed in the achieved people by occasional glimpse. As the light was originated
                                         from electricity, the yuan Qi of Te and Oneness is a feeling of electricity and

                                        a sense of electric acupuncture in the advanced stage. The man-made practice can
                                          only feel the sense of the acquired Qi, while in the practice of inaction, the

                                      energy of Te is raining automatically inside the body. This is also the difference
                                        between the primal true and acquired fake. Nevertheless, if the human heart with
                                       conscious mind is too strong, the greediness of the mortal heart will prevent the

                                         achievement of Fa Shen even if you already have the feeling of electricity. The
                                        Conscious Spirit has to be cleared up by the electricity, otherwise the indulged

                                       the Conscious Spirit will create monsters of fake Buddhism or devils of fake Tao.
                                            People have to distinguish between the true and false so as not to be fooled.

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