Page 131 - Laozi81
P. 131
布面油画,120×90cm,2016 年 8 月 20 日
Fifty-ninth, "Tour Langya"
oil on canvas, 120 × 90cm, August 20, 2016
To practice Tao Te can make you a sage inside and a king outside. If you are
able to keep Jing, love the spirit and protect Qi, you can enjoy longevity
for your life and peace for your county. A person with achieved Tao not only
enjoys personal spiritual growth from ordinary to the holy, but also can affect
the surrounding environment. The more purified the energy is, the greater the
influence will be on the surroundings. The continuous high-energy affected field
effect in the surroundings is the glory of the Buddha light, which is also
verification for those who have achieved Sheng Shen and true selves.